
This Girl Makes College-Level Neuroscience Videos In A Lab In Her Bedroom

By Mayukh Saha

January 16, 2020

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

Child neuroscientist Amoy Antunet was interested in science since she was three years old after she saw a microscope in her father’s possession. Needless to say, the erstwhile college student’s paraphernalia really intrigued the young child.

Thus began the journey of the child neuroscientist cum whiz kid, hailing from Georgia who soon turned into her father’s study partner. Her father, David Shepherd was at that time 43 years of age and started explaining his child everything he learned in his own classes.

Amoy Antunet

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As this went on, the little child decided to hoist her own lab in her bedroom, complete with test tubes, microscopes, and replica organs. When she turned five, this child neuroscientist decided to appear on the web with her dad, where she started experimenting, whilst providing lessons right from her lab!

The Daily Mail recently featured an article about her wherein they mentioned the brain to be her favorite area of study and research. But Amoy Antunet didn’t just stop there. She also teaches and gives lessons on cell division, pH testing, and the heart amongst others. It is quite mind-boggling that her Facebook page has garnered quite a few million views.


This child neuroscientist loves gymnastics and math too. Antunet started this entire project because she wanted people to understand different branches of science and what divided them in the first place.

The genius mentioned that it was very important to have a clear idea of how to proceed with science. She had wanted to study pharmacy in the beginning, but now she wants to be a neurosurgeon. Her desire to be so is because she wants to heal people with neurological disorders. The child neuroscientist yearns to learn about multiple sclerosis since her aunt has contracted it, and she wants to heal her.

Video: BBC Trending

Her father David Shepherd is a proud man. From what was thought of as a cute story soon turned into a career trajectory. He used to sit with his daughter and pretend to read, but when she started understanding the bases, she would then pretend to teach him.

Image: Daily Mail

Now, Shepherd encourages his daughter to go into her lab and do her thing- whatever it is.

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The child neuroscientist has already been invited to the Alabama University, along with invitations from CNN, BBC, and many such media giants. She has also been to conferences to speak on Alzheimer’s and Youth Innovation Summits, where she has spoken about STEM and STEAM programs.

The child neuroscientist is wise beyond her age. She spoke about how it is not necessary or compulsory to study science. What matters is where one’s potential lies and in the ability to like what you study.