A full resolution portrait of a red fox (Vulpes vulpes) looking towards the sun in natural environment. The beautiful wild animal of the wilderness. Shred looking in the camera. Eye to eye with a dodgy vulpine. One of the most grace wood inhabitants


This Fox Was Found In Possession Of Over 100 Stolen Shoes From Berlin Residents

By Anthony McLennan

August 02, 2020

By Anthony McLennan / Truth Theory

A fox left dozens of Berlin residents thinking they had been ripped off by a thief who had stolen more than 100 slip slops and other shoes from their gardens at night.

The four-legged robber outfoxed residents of the Zehlendorf suburb for weeks before finally being caught red-handed. Or rather as it turned out, the fox was spotted with a blue pair of flip flops in its mouth.

Fuchs, Du hast die Schuh gestohlen…🎶In #Zehlendorf wurden mehr als 100 Schuhe von einem Fuchs gemopst. Die ganze Geschichte morgen @TspCheckpoint. (📸: Christian Meyer) pic.twitter.com/pjnKhvobOa

— Felix Hackenbruch (@FHackenbruch) July 26, 2020

The man who spotted the thief had suspected it might be a fox after he had found out on a neighborhood watch website that numerous other residents had also reported missing footwear.

It was discovered that the fox had a bit of a shoe fetish – it had accumulated over 100 shoes! Impressively, quite a few of the shoes were in pairs.

A Copycat thief?

What’s even more surprising is that this was not the first fox reported in Germany to be a shoe thief.

In 2009 there was a remarkably similar stolen shoes incident, in the small western town of Foehren.

“There was everything from ladies’ shoes to trainers,” said a police spokesman. “We’ve found between 110 and 120 so far. It seems a vixen stole them for her cubs to play with.”

In case you’re wondering, Foehren is situated 700km away from Berlin, so its unlikely the same fox.

Berlin is known for having a thriving fox population, according to this report. They live off peoples’ waste and sometimes steal dog or cat food. They also hunt rats and mice and are generally safe in a city that has a lot of green spaces and waterways.

It’s not only foxes that thrive in Berlin. Raccoons and boars also roam the streets, and there is a large bird population.


Image Credit: Rudmer Zwerver