
This Tattoo Shop Will Cover Up Hateful Tattoos For Free To Give People A Chance To Move On

By Mayukh Saha

June 24, 2020

By  Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

I’m sure all of us have impulsively made decisions we have regretted later on. Some decisions are easier to backtrack than others. One of the decisions that seem permanent is tattoos. Well, these tattoo artists are helping people renounce their past mistakes by covering up racist tattoos for free. 

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One of the most regretted decisions by people are tattoos because they not only are displayed on your bodies, they are pretty expensive to get rid of too. If the tattoos are harmless, then it’s not more than some cringe moments. However, if the tattoos represent a hate symbol or a gang, then the repercussions can be extremely damaging. 

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There have been many cases where a person has grown and succeeded in seeing the wrongs of the past but is unable to get rid of the tattoo. A second chance is something that everyone deserves. And that’s what these tattoo artists believe

Jeremiah Swift and Ryan King, Gallery X Art Collective, are helping people erase their painful past from their bodies. The gallery is based in Murray, Kentucky. 

Tattoo Artists Help Unite Different Communities

Keeping in view the recent Black Lives Matter movement going strong in the U.S, these artists decided to contribute in their own way. They came across many people who were riddled with guilt due to their past behavior. And so, they decided to use their platform and offer free services to have those racist tattoos removed. 

In an interview with CNN, both Jeremiah and Ryan stated that everyone deserves a second chance since people are capable of changing. They further said that living with hate is something that should not be acceptable. 

The tattoo artists put out a post on their Instagram and Facebook page. The posts said that they were willing to cover up racist tattoos free of charge, and without any questions asked. As of now, at least 30 individuals have contacted them. The only condition is that they will get to choose the design. 

Rousing Empathy, Artists Say That Everybody Deserves A Second Chance

The tattoo artists also shared stories of clients they met. One person admitted that he has never taken off his T-shirt in front of his kids. He added that he was too embarrassed about his racist tattoos. Another man regretted his decision to cover up his whole body with hate symbols about 20 years ago. 

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Another client of theirs who also gave her statement to CNN, Jennifer Tucker, said that she regretted her past. She mentioned that the community she grew up in wasn’t an open one, and she got a rebel flag tattoo in her teens. As she grew up and understood her actions, she knew her past sentiments were wrong. She added that now that she has removed those hate symbols from her body, she is ready to start a chapter of love and harmony. 

The tattoo artists, through their harmonious actions, are trying to bridge the growing polarisation between different racial communities in the U.S. 

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Image Credits: galleryxartcollective & lanereport