
These Sudanese Teenages Invented A Robot To Clean Plastic Waste From The Ocean

By Mayukh Saha

March 18, 2020

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

Four Sudanese teens have built a robot to clean the toxic trash that the oceans have collected over time. 8.3bn tons of plastic are present in the world’s oceans and these teens have decided to change the condition. Their invention was displayed at the Global Challenge in Dubai. The challenge aims at using technology such as artificial intelligence and also robotics to solve the pollution problem.

Each year, the world generates more than three-hundred million tons of toxic waste which is akin to the world population. By 2050 if the oceans aren’t cleaned, the marine life will slowly and steadily cease to exist. The Sudanese teens have understood the crisis and their team has been mentored by Richard Ring.

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The robot built by the teens can be used to rid the Nile of the toxic waste. The Nile is one of the ten rivers of the world that carry most of the waste plastic. The mentor of the team is hopeful and believes the robot model can be used for other heavily polluted rivers too.

The functioning of the robot has not been disclosed as it is considered to be a trade secret. One of the Sudanese team members, James Madut, believes that it is the youth’s duty to unite and bring the change they want to see on this planet. Community work is important when dealing with a global crisis like the issue of polluted oceans. The only solution is to take thoughtful steps and clean the oceans before it is too late.