
The Way This 73-Year-Old Lady Transformed Her Body Is Inspirational

By Mayukh Saha

March 09, 2020

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

When one door closes, several others open up. Joan MacDonald, a septuagenarian from Ontario knows all about it. She believes that age is no impediment to how you live your life. Just because you are old doesn’t mean that you have to give up on life- or simply waste away the years left. After her general physician mentioned prescription drugs for her old age, she decided that it was time for her to change her world around. This is when she got into the fitness industry.

Now, she poses for magazine covers.


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Needless to say, this woman is an inspiration to everyone around us. Joan is quite a celebrity on Instagram, with over 400 k followers.

She keeps uploading her workout videos, and motivational quotes which serve as an inspiration for people to defy age and its boundaries.

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This septuagenarian from Canada is truly a wonder to behold!