
How To Survive A Spiritual Awakening

By Luke Miller

February 16, 2018

B Luke Miller Truth Theory

A spiritual awakening can be a rollercoaster ride of up and down emotions, here is how you can ride the waves:

What is a spiritual awakening?

A spiritual awakening is the emergence of your essence (higher self), and/or a connection (or a glimpse of a connection) with the oneness that connects us all. We are born as this essence and as time passes we often lose a connection to this root existence. A spiritual awakening is us as an older being with a more developed (physical) mind and body reconnecting with this essence which can sometimes come as a shock.   

What can cause your awakening?

Sometimes a singular event which breaks your current routine of thought- for example, going away on holiday could force you to reflect when you are usually busy. Meeting someone who has already had a spiritual awakening can trigger one in us. A new relationship or the ending of a relationship. A new job or the ending of a job. An experience with a mind altering substance, or an experience similar which could be induced through meditation, breathwork, dancing, singing, art or anything that gets you out of your head. A near death experience, or a miracle that cannot be explained rationally. All can cause what seems like a spontaneous awakening.

It can also be a series of events, such as synchronicities that continually show up leading you in a specific direction. At times like these it can feel as if the universe is speaking with you in an unspoken language, and often it actually is.  

Sometimes the cause of your awakening is not apparent and while there is usually a trigger of some kind, it is not always obvious without us taking the time to reflect upon it.

What should you do if you have had a spiritual awakening?

The first thing is to slow down, it can be a lot when your whole life gets turned upside down, so don’t make any decisions that you may later regret. This is not to say that you should not make changes, you probably will. But in a euphoric state you can often do something drastic, expecting everything to just fall into place and this is not always how it works.

Accept that life may be different to how you thought it was, and try to take some time out and just be with yourself. Talk to friends and family who may understand, but do so without being forceful. Speak to others who have experienced the same thing, but also realise that just because someone has experienced this, it doesn’t mean they have it figured out or will have answers for you.

Most importantly (without being in too much of a rush) listen to your intuition and feelings.

How to not alienate yourself from family and friends?

It is very common to become alienated from friends and family while going through a spiritual awakening, this is often due to us becoming forceful with ideas and trying to show others what we have felt. This is not to say you should not share your experience, but to do so with people you can fully trust and to do so in a way that is not you preaching to them.

Another common behaviour is for us to isolate ourselves, as we think no one will understand. This is quite often the case with our current support system, however there are always people out there that can help to guide you.

Do things that make you happy, meet people who have similar interests to you and explore the things you used to enjoy as a young child. This is not to say you have to do the things you done as a child, but to try to remember the feelings you had and do things that could replicate them feelings.


Gratitude is something we can find no matter where we are in life. Look for what is good and water the seeds.

Ask for spiritual guidance, but also realise no one will do the work for you. This could be prayer, asking your higher self or just saying it outloud to whoever you believe could be listening.

Meditation practice can really help, simply focus on your breath and breathe deep into your stomach, while watching the breath. Make sure you keep your back straight and use the time to come into your body.

Spend time in nature. Nature is honest, non judgemental and allows you to view the world from a different perspective. Spend time with the trees and feel their unconditional love.

Slow down! Like other major events there is a transitional phase, don’t be in a rush to be at the next stage. It is a bit like when you start a new job or have a child- you may (or may not) thrive in this transition but there will be hurdles and unexpected things that arise. Resist the temptation to allow your mind to make all the decisions. Synchronistic events will unfold and sometimes you will need to not cling to your current position and allow things to be free flowing.

Trust your intuition. Your gut will tell you what is right for you in an animalistic/instinctive kind of way. Your heart will tell you if it is inline with the higher good and your mind will scream no!!! The physical brain has its uses, but intuition is not one of them, get out the brain and listen to your intuitive mind.

Write down your thoughts. This can really allow you to gain an understanding of what is going on in your head and can come in handy at a later date when you feel to reflect.


A spiritual awakening is a beautiful thing to go through as it is honest and reveals our true self, however our resistance to cling to the old can really make it a painful transition. Whatever stage you are in now is where you are supposed to be to have the highest realisations of where you are heading. Trust this moment and know that all passes. Much love, Luke  

Image Copyright: everst / 123RF Stock Photo

I am Luke Miller the author of this article, and creator of Potential For Change. I like to blend psychology and spirituality to help you create more happiness in your life.Grab a copy of my free 33 Page Illustrated eBook- Psychology Meets Spirituality- Secrets To A Supercharged Life You Control Here