$500 is a hefty chunk of change. So, you can imagine a homeless man’s despair when he was robbed of this exact amount — the last of the money he owned.


This Single Mom Worked Overtime To Restore $500 To Homeless Man Who Was Robbed

By Amanda Froelich

December 13, 2017

By  Amanda Froelich Truth Theory

To be a “hero,” all someone has to do is brighten another person’s day. It is that simple. Buying a sandwich for a hungry person on the street, holding the door open for a stranger behind you, or purchasing another coffee lover’s drink at Starbucks are all ways one can accomplish this. An additional method is shared in the following story, which is sure to cheer you up this holiday season.

Recently, footage was aired showing a man chasing another out of a Walmart in Florida.  The individual doing the chasing was 60-year-old Charles Reynolds, an employee at Walmart who had just cashed his check. At an inopportune time, a thief ran by and stole all $500 of it.

$500 is a lot of money. But to Charles, it was everything — literally. Upon being interviewed, he said he is “pretty much homeless, and I’m doing the best I can to get up and get out of there. And, yeah, that money meant a lot.”

One woman who saw the footage on television is Kari Diaz. She recognized the Walmart as it is near her home and felt compelled to help. Little Things reports that Kari used to be a single mom living in low-income housing, therefore, she knew “what it is to be poor.”

Because she didn’t have $500 laying around, Kari worked a total of 10 hours in overtime to account for the funds. She later met Charles at the Largo Police Department so she could give him the money.

Though Walmart reimbursed the employee, Kari insisted on giving away the funds. She said felt driven to “pay it forward.” This is because when she was struggling, someone helped her out. Now, she wants to return the favor.

We hope that with Kari’s help and, possibly, other people’s contributions, Charles circumstances change for the better. Watch the video below to learn more:

Video found here

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Read more: Barber Giving Free Haircuts To The Homeless Was Just Gifted His Own Shop

Source: WFTS Tampa Bay

Image Credit: Little things