
Scientists Are Developing A ‘Hangover-Free Alcohol’ That May Replace Regular Spirits By 2050

By Amanda Froelich

June 26, 2017

By Amanda Froelich Truth Theory

Though cannabis has been proven to be one of the safest recreational drugs in the world, it remains restricted in many countries worldwide. As a result, most people reach for alcohol when they want to let loose on the weekends and enjoy social time with others. An unfortunate side effect of alcohol, however, is the hangover one is left with the day afterward. Fortunately, one scientist in particular is developing a synthetic alcohol which is said to be alcohol-free.

The synthetic alcohol is called ‘alcosynth’ and is designed to mimic the “positive” effect of alcohol. That means one could drink without developing dry mouth, nausea and a throbbing head the day afterward. Its creator, Professor David Nutt, says he has patented around 90 different alcosynth compounds and intends for it to be on liquor store shelves within a few years. By 2050, he wants the synthetic alcohol to completely replace the “regular” stuff. ‘

According to The Independent, two alcosynth varieties are presently being tested. Said Nutt, “It will be there alongside the scotch and the gin, they’ll dispense the alcosynth into your cocktail and then you’ll have the pleasure without damaging your liver and your heart.” At present, two alcosynth varieties are being tested. “They go very nicely into mojitos. They even go into something as clear as a Tom Collins. One is pretty tasteless, the other has a bitter taste,” Nutt told The Independent.

It took several years of researching the brain and monitoring the effects of the synthetic alcohol to develop a non-toxic replacement. “We know a lot about the brain science of alcohol; it’s become very well understood in the last 30 years,” said Professor Nutt. “So we know where the good effects of alcohol are mediated in the brain, and can mimic them. And by not touching the bad areas, we don’t have the bad effects.”

According to Alcohol Concern, drinking is the third-largest risk factor for disease and death in the UK. If more people were to switch to a non-toxic alcohol replacement, health concerns related to alcohols’ consumption would decrease. “People want healthier drinks,” said Professor Nutt. “The drinks industry knows that by 2050 alcohol will be gone.”

The effects of alcosynth are said to last a couple of hours. And, after consuming a certain amount of the drink, the effects “round off.”

Professor Nutt said, “We haven’t tested it to destruction yet, but it’s safer than drinking too much alcohol. With clever pharmacology, you can limit and put a ceiling on the effects, so you can’t ever get as ill or kill yourself, unlike with drinking a lot of vodka.”

Read more: The Spiritual Consequences of Alcohol Consumption

IMAGE CREDIT:vitalytyagunov / 123RF Stock Photo


I am Luke Miller, content manager at Truth Theory and creator of Potential For Change. I like to blend psychology and spirituality to help you create more happiness in your life.Grab a copy of my free 33 Page Illustrated eBook- Psychology Meets Spirituality- Secrets To A Supercharged Life You Control Here