
Pythagoras On Human Consciousness

By Luke Miller

November 22, 2016

By Luke Miller Truth Theory

Pythagoras — was a mystic and is also considered by many as the founder of western science, although he did not start his teachings until he was forty years old. Prior to this Pythagoras studied multiple esoteric teachings all over the globe absorbing as much as he could from his teachers, making himself a master of their secretive wisdom.

Egyptian priests whom he studied alongside often guarded their secrets very tightly, not wanting to give them up to a foreigner. They tried to confuse him as much as they could, using encoded information and sending him from temple to temple. However, Pythagoras was able to endure until they divulged the information to him. This is something that Pythagoras later done with his own students.

Pythagoras believed that philosophy was a means of spiritual purification. He claimed that the destiny of the soul was for its union with the divine or us connecting with our higher selves (our purpose for being here). He said that the music of the heavens was channeled through him and he allowed his disciples and followers to believe he was the Hyperborean Apollo in human form here to spread his message. In Greek mythology Hyperboreans were mythical people who lived “beyond the North Wind”. Basically magical incarnated humans who spread ideas like the wind.

Pythagoras was a visionary, well ahead of his time with profound scientific and philosophical contributions to the world. He often used metaphorical language to allow followers to interpret his wisdom as they needed to.

Pythagoras was of the school of thought that knowledge combined with science is a path to salvation, with many suggesting that Pythagoras used the ecstatic practices of the Orphic mystery cult, which is known for its manifestation through emotions. He put his disciples through a novitiate period, in which a vow of strict silence that lasted 5 years was expected. Only after this period were they permitted to join him in intellectual communication. The members of the Pythagorean brotherhood held faith to their cause at their highest order and believed once initiated that they were a genuine brotherhood in which they held their mental, spiritual and physical goods in common.

Pythagoras was also known to be a shaman, which in its simplest form means medicine man. But not medicine as we are led to believe it to be in the modern world. Medicine can also be spiritual and mental as well as the physical approach we are well versed in, in the west. It can also be a combination of the 3.

Among the complex web of Pythagoras’s philosophy are the shamanistic practice of Thracaan medicine men, a group of Indo-European tribes inhabiting a large area in southeastern Europe. He was also said to have full access to his previous incarnations, which had taken many forms.

There is a direct link between the further development of Greek philosophy and the  Pythagorean brotherhood. Pythagoras has been credited with the invention of the Western musical scale, and also believed that music tuned at the right frequencies are a gateway to altered states of consciousness.  He also developed the theorem by which the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is derived.

Most of his work was thought of as mystical as he often referenced the development of the soul within humanity, and while some of his work was very scientific he definitely merged the worlds. One of his schools of thought that can only be though of a mystical was the doctrine of the transmigration of information from previous incarnations. Which is taken information from past lives and using it in the current incarnation.

He believed that there was a relationships between everything, and this could be expressed through numerical sequences and patterns. Meaning numbers could be turned into different sounds, sights, smells, tastes and perhaps other senses that we have less of an understanding of. Although I do not know for certain, it seems that pythagoras was more into numbers and sounds than working with the other senses, but who knows what existed in his unpublished work.

His followers (The Pythagoreans) dedicated themselves to the study of countless patterns, abnormalities and unknowns within the number system, and would find ways to relate these to the visible world and/or universe. It was likened to a decoding of the observable world, into numbers.

Numbers were seen as symbolic, metaphorical and properties of the mind created to organise the universe into categories, but the underlying language of everything could but worked into number patterns. Meaning that numbers as literally the language of the gods (if you believe in that kind of thing). This can be explained in the language of fractals which denotes that all is derived from very simplistic patterns, which branch out and self replicate often giving the impression of extreme complexity, but when traced back, all can be worked out to a simple pattern or formula. This works into the dualistic nature of the world (a subject Pythagoras was well schooled in) that everything is extremely complicated, while being extremely simple simultaneously, or that everything has its opposites, but both opposites are actually 2 sides of the same thing.

Although it is refuted by many is is believed that Pythagoras was the first to make the observation that the earth was not flat, but a sphere that orbited the sun. This was a dangerous concept at the current level of understanding in the collective consciousness and often carried heavy punishment for being spoken about.

Pythagoreans also developed the influential theory of the harmony of the spheres, which related the spiritual, physical and mental states to mathematical tones of energy. This concept regards the movements of celestial bodies (body outside of Earth’s atmosphere) —the Sun, Moon, and planets into musical tones and sounds. The music is not always though to be audible, but a harmonic, mathematical or religious concept.

Pythagoras was certainly a man before his time, with radical ideas which he birthed in a time when there was a different level of consciousness. It is thought by some that when Pythagoras was alive he lived in a “all is mind” state of collective consciousness. Whereas now we live in a “all is matter” state of consciousness. This is not to say that many don’t understand the original concept, but just that most people look at the external world as what is real, whereas before people thought all was a projection of our minds.

With this in mind, it is amazing that his ideas have traveled across these different collective states and still been accessible and understandable through the ages. This says something about his ability to communicate concepts in a way that is beyond the realms of most.

Pythagoras is a bit like a shaman, but much more, he was scientist, mysticist, sharer of ideas, but also keeper of ideas for those who were not ready to hear them yet. Being that he was schooled in the art transmigration of information from previous incarnations maybe he is here amongst us now, slowly dripping out the information needed for the collective progression of humanity. Whether in the physical, spiritual or just the written form, his work continues to live on and inspire a new level of thinking in many to this day. I have to be honest I am still wrapping my head around some of these concepts myself, so I appreciate any insight or questions relating to this article, they say the best teachers are simultaneously students, so any further understanding is greatly appreciated. Much love to you, Luke