
People Rushing To Help A Stranded Pilot Whale Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity

By Amanda Froelich

January 06, 2018

By  Amanda Froelich Truth Theory

Since Donald Trump was inaugurated as President of the United States, the world has become a drastically different place. Now, nuclear war is discussed over Twitter. And, division is more prevalent than ever — not just in the United States, but worldwide.

In times such as these, it is important to remain positive. One way to do so is to focus your attention on positive news and good deeds performed by others. A story sure to brighten your spirits concerns a group of people rushing to help a stranded pilot whale.

On New Year’s Day, a pilot whale washed up in Cow Bay, Novia Scotia, on Rainbow Haven Beach. Locals and tourists, such as Nancy Briggs Carr, were stunned to see the sight. Carr wrote on Facebook: “This is at Rainbow Haven beach. My brother is there. DNR just arrived. They may need some help getting him in water. He’s still alive.”

Internet users were quick to comment, and nearby observers stepped into help. Because the whale was in grave danger, about 100 people — including police and the Marine Animal Response Society (MARS,) — rushed to save it.

One Green Planet reports that it took a few hours, but the animal lovers were able to put the animal on a pontoon. From there, it was carried to the water. Andre Reid of MARS said that the animal was likely alone due to an underlying sickness. He supposes this, as pilot whales are a social species and tend to travel as a family. It is also unusual for the whale to be in Novia Scotia this time of the year, as they migrate south into the Gulf Stream.

Without the help of the volunteers, the pilot whale would not have survived. Fortunately, sources say it is safe and back in the waters. The rescuers are hopeful that it reunites with its family and avoids future strandings.

Whale strandings occur due to several reasons, including human activity, pollution, parasites, sonar, algae blooms, and more. If you ever witness a stranding, you can report the incident to the proper regional stranding network.

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Read more: Breaking: World’s Most Famous Killer Whale Has Just Died In Captivity

[One Green Planet shared pics from Facebook]

Images Credit: Nancy Briggs Carr/Facebook