Too lazy to get out of bed, woman covers her face with a pillow


Neuroscientist Warns: Lack Of Sleep Could Kill You

By Mayukh Saha

July 29, 2019

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

We are all tired and worn out all the time. We’ve got a million things to do. There are families to be cared for, jobs to be done, bills to be paid, a house to clean, friends who need our time. This list just keeps going on and on and we don’t see an end to it in the near future. And this is actually cutting out life spans short.

 Matthew Walker, a neuroscientist, has a warning for all of us. We’re damaging our bodies seriously and putting our lives in danger by sacrificing our sleep. During a TED Talk, Walker spoke about how the lack of sleep in most countries is causing an enormous catastrophe on our physical and mental well-being. While we don’t see lack of sleep as a disease, it has quietly turned into an epidemic. This is one of the biggest problems we have to solve this century and we aren’t even talking about it.