
Man Who Grew Up Without A Father Started Making YouTube Videos To Teach Children Basic Household Skills

By Mayukh Saha

May 28, 2020

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

While we are stuck home, surrounded mostly by devastating news, this dad from Chicago is doing his bit to help those around him. “Dad, How Do I?” is Rob Kenney’s YouTube channel where he teaches kids around the world how to do basic household and other chores. And recently his efforts have gone viral!

When Kenney was barely 14, his father abandoned him and his family. In an interview with Shattered magazine, Kenney explained how his own struggles from his childhood prompted him to start the YouTube channel a month back. “Dad, How Do I?” is Kenney’s way of reaching out to other kids who don’t have parents around to teach them basic skills.

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Rob Kenney's videos are the sweetest thing ever 😍

— Heart (@thisisheart) May 21, 2020

Dysfunctional families are quite common, and Kenney wanted to help those in such struggling families. When you visit his YouTube channel, you will find videos on how to check for tire pressure, how to tie a tie, how to iron shirts, how to fix toilets, and so on.

“I want it to be about everyday tasks, but I also would like to pass along some of the wisdom I’ve learned along the way to encourage people,” Kenney said. “I thought I was just going to be showing people how to do stuff, but it’s kind of resonating on a whole different level.”

After the interview was published, the channel got the attention of netizens across the world. Reddit and Twitter users were very happy to see the genuine help Kenney was trying to extend. The channel currently has 155 million subscribers on YouTube, and his good deed deserves every bit of attention and appreciation he is getting.

Kenney has 2 grown-up kids himself and leads a happy married life. His daughter Kristine works with children while his son Kyle is a software engineer.

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“Dad, How Do I?” is a savior not only for those from a dysfunctional family but also for many adults who live alone. A quick video helps many navigate through many household chores they might have never learned before. You can check out Kenney’s channel here.

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