
Leaked Video Shows Tucker Carlson Calling Historian Guest “F—ing Annoying

By John Vibes

February 23, 2019

By John Vibes / Truth Theory

Last week, leaked video showed Fox News host Tucker Carlson losing his temper with a guest on his show. The footage was leaked to NowThis, and showed Carlson berating Dutch historian and author Rutger Bregman.

The video has since been viewed over 8 million times, and has stirred conversation all throughout the media.

The conversation got ugly when the historian brought up that the news channel was owned by billionaire Rupert Murdoch.

So @TuckerCarlson just called me a ‘fucking moron’ during a prerecord for his show, for pointing out that he’s a millionaire funded by billionaires.

Let’s see if they’ll air it.

‘Did they get it on audio?? Fuck fuck fuck’ we heard them say here..

(Yes, we did.)

— Rutger Bregman (@rcbregman) February 12, 2019

“What the Murdochs basically want you to do is to scapegoat immigrants instead of talking about tax avoidance. Almost all of the pundits of this channel for years have been against higher taxes, right? I think the issue really is one of corruption and of people being bribed and of not talking about the real issues,” Bregman said.

Carlson then became defensive, asking “I’m taking orders from the Murdochs, is that what you’re saying?”

Then after a moments pause cut back in by saying, “I wanna say to you why don’t you go f— yourself, you tiny brained — and I hope this gets picked up — because you’re a moron.”