
The Largest Experiment For Peace In The Middle East Is Taking Place Today

By Amanda Froelich

November 09, 2017

By  Amanda Froelich Truth Theory

Mark your calendars! On Thursday, November 9, 2017, the world’s largest meditation for peace in the Middle East will take place. Not only is the collaborative event an opportunity to co-create change, it will serve as a scientific experiment.

Investigative journalist Lynne McTaggart organized the event, called ‘The Field,’ which is to occur in Jerusalem, Israel, on Thursday. McTaggart is the author of The Field, which is considered to be a “revolutionary” book that explores unseen dimensions, as well as the unifying point between science and Spirit. The event is a collaboration with Tsipi Raz, the award-winning documentary filmmaker, and Dr. Salah Al-Rashed, a peace activist who is passionate about human development.

Those who are interested in taking part need only set aside 10 minutes to tune into their highest selves and meditate on the potential for peace. Tens of thousands of Israelis, Palestinians, Jews, Arabs and Christians all around the world will be doing the same. Time Out reports, “A place in the Middle East with prolific symbolic meaning to various cultures has been targeted and all are coming together in this rare call for peace with a scientific intention of how the power of collective consciousness can affect, change and move situations in the world.”

Videographers will be present on the day, gathering footage to document the historical event. After all, this will be the first time so many people of various faiths come together to focus on the energy of peace through unanimous prayer and meditation.

Inspirational figures who have volunteered to speak at the event, which is being held at the Gerard Bechar Theatre in Jerusalem, include:

Attendees will also have the opportunity hear from a rabbi and a sheikh about biblical figures Ishmael and Yitzhak. And, families from both sides will express their emotions so they may discuss solutions for true, lasting peace. The event will also feature musical performances.

The ultimate goal of ‘The Field’ is to “generate a spirit of unity that will create peace in the Middle East.” Various media outlets will broadcast the global meditation live from Jerusalem. Adhere to the following timetable so you don’t miss it:

Tel Aviv – 20:00

London – 18:00

New York – 13:00

Los Angeles – 10:00

Tokyo – 02:00 (Nov 10th)

La Paz, Bolivia – 13:00

Buenos Aires, Argentina -14:00

Scientists have already concluded that everything is energy directed by intention. This acknowledged, what do you have to lose except 10 minutes of your day? If possible, consider participating in the global meditation for peace in the Middle East. Only through action and intention will change — which is so desperately needed — occur on this planet.

Read more: 1 Million Children Meditating For World Peace In Thailand

Image Credit: Copyright: elenaphotos21 / 123RF Stock Photo

I am Luke Miller, content manager at Truth Theory and creator of Potential For Change. I like to blend psychology and spirituality to help you create more happiness in your life.Grab a copy of my free 33 Page Illustrated eBook- Psychology Meets Spirituality- Secrets To A Supercharged Life You Control Here