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Jon Stewart And Wife Rescue Goats From Subway Tracks In Brooklyn 

By Amanda Froelich

August 28, 2018


By Amanda Froelich,

Early last week, a pair of troublesome goats was spotted wandering near the tracks of the N subway in Brooklyn. Police were startled to see the grazers but wasted no time tranquilizing them. “We’ve seen cats and dogs but never goats,” Captain Jonathan Bobin of Transit District 34 told ABC 7. “This is a new one here … They were nervous and kept running from our personnel, but we were able to get them and take them off the tracks safely.”

After staff from Animal Care Centers of NYC got the goats off the tracks, they called Farm Sanctuary to see if they could transport the animals to their Watkins Glen, New York, shelter.

Among the volunteers who showed up to rescue the goats were Jon and Tracey Stewart. They helped move the goats, nicknamed Willy and Billy, to the animal sanctuary. A spokesperson of the shelter said, “There, they will receive medical examinations and the world-class, individualized care.”

Jon and Tracey are long-time animal lovers. Shortly after Jon left The Daily Show, he announced that he and his wife were partnering with The Farm Sanctuary to open the organization’s fourth location at their New Jersey Farm. The announcement was made at the Farm Sanctuary’s 2015 Gala.

At the event, Tracey, who is also part of the organization’s Board of Directors, said: “We bought a farm in New Jersey with the intention of starting a farm sanctuary of our own with an educational center, but what I’m announcing tonight is that our farm is actually going to be the New Jersey branch of Farm Sanctuary. We’re going to build new advocates, new curious learners, and new leaders for this very important movement.”

It is presently unknown who the goats belong to, or how they escaped. However, Bobin has a theory. “There are a number of meat markets in the area, so the theory is they could have come from one of those places,” Bobin told ABC 7. “But as of now, nobody has stepped forward to claim the goats.”

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Their enthusiasm for rescuing animals is infectious, don’t you agree? Comment your thoughts below and share this news!

Via People

Image credit: lightpoet / 123RF Stock Photo