
Husband And Wife Create Christmas Tree From Recycled Materials And PVC Pipe

By Amanda Froelich

December 12, 2017

By  Amanda Froelich Truth Theory

While PVC (polyvinyl chloride), a petroleum-derived product, is not good for the environment, we can’t help but applaud this couple’s innovative Christmas tree alternative. Rather than buy an artificial tree or cut down a real one, they made a tree with PVC pipe, an old bucket and a recycled tire.

The husband-and-wife duo wrote on Bored Panda:

“My husband and I make an unconventional tree every December. This year we used an old tire painted white and cut up 40 ft of PVC pipe to create the tree shape.

A plastic bucket from Home Depot was thrown in to add another large circular shape. After securing each piece with hot glue we used gold painted accents, ornaments, and fairy lights for decorations. Enjoy!”

Following are photos of the unique “tree”:

[Social Media, shared to Bored Panda]

Why PVC Should be Avoided

If you can help it, avoid PVC. Fake trees are made with this material, which is non-renewable and polluting. Additionally, it cannot be recycled.

That’s not all. PVC production results in the unhealthy emission of a number of carcinogens. These include dioxin, ethylene, dichloride and vinyl chloride. It’s also worth mentioning that to make “needles” for the artificial trees, lead is oftentimes used. Many people now know (due to the Flint, Michigan, crisis) that lead is linked with negative health effects, including kidney, neurological and reproductive health effects. Even touching the tree can produce affect one’s health.

For these reasons and many more, PVC should be avoided. At the same time, we do not want to promote the criticism of this couple, as they turned a fresh idea into a very unique and creative tree. That kind of initiative should be applauded. Perhaps in the future, healthy, alternative Christmas trees will be manufactured.

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