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Hungary Vows To Plant 10 Trees For Every Baby Born

By Mayukh Saha

March 07, 2020

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

Climate change is a global crisis and steps should be taken to counter its ill effects. Hungary has come up with an effective 8 point strategy to tackle climate change. Viktor Orbán, prime minister of Hungary, has unveiled the plan on February 19, which states that the government will plant ten trees for every new child born. The announcement was made in the annual State of the Nation Address.

Planting ten trees for every child means that approximately one million trees will be planted every year. If the plan is meticulously followed, the percentage of forested area in Hungary will increase by almost 27% in the next ten years. It is no mean feat to maintain so many trees but steps will be taken to nurture the plants on a regular basis. The prime minister also spoke about the demographic decline as the most glaring result of the prolonged climate crisis. The economic condition too is not doing great and needs attention. 

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The other points included in the plan are: cracking down landfills that are illegal, banning single-use plastic sales, protecting the rivers of Hungary from toxic waste, facilitating the production of renewable energy for businesses that are eco-friendly, developing solar energy schemes, considering electric cars as a viable mode of transport, introducing schemes to deposit bottles, and launching new government bonds that will invest more in eco-friendly technologies. 

Bernadett Szél, MP of the government of Hungary pointed out the loopholes in the plan. What is the driving force behind such rapid plans on Orbán’s end? It may be so that he is aiming for the 2022 parliamentary election but nonetheless, he is giving climate change the focus it deserves.

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Hungary’s emission has to be reduced in order to make it a more eco-friendly nation. A lot of effort will be required to translate the prime minister’s plan into practice. Hopefully, he will get there soon and make an impact.

IMAGE FEATURED: Evgeny Atamanenko