A massage therapist is treating a female client on a table in an apartment


How To Start A Home-Based Massage Therapy Business

By Mayukh Saha

April 10, 2018

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

Establishing your own business requires effort, time, money, and a lot of careful planning. As home-based businesses have been quite in demand nowadays, you can consider putting up your own. A home-based massage therapy business is probably worth a try, especially when your location is an excellent platform that can capture a huge market. However, it is vital to sift through the major factors and legal procedures before you work your plans out.

7 Tips to start a home-based massage therapy business

It is not just all about how your hands can provide a therapeutic touch to give your clients a soothing relief from muscle tension, body pain, and stress. There are legal procedures and vital factors you must consider first to effectively set up a home-based business, maintain it, and achieve a beaming success in the long run.

Here are 7 quick and easy tips you should consider:

  1. Get a massage therapy certification.

You may have the ability to provide massage services, but a massage therapy certification is a must. In order to earn such certification, you should undergo a comprehensive massage therapy training, pass the exams, and complete all the imperative courses included. The certification will also serve as your ticket to the massage industry as a competent massage therapist. Depending on your location, training and courses may differ and hence, it is important to know about this prior to establishing a massage therapy business.

  1. Calculate the expenses.

Calculating the expenses will let you know how much you should invest in this business and the financial gain you may expect. You can consider the number of equipment you should buy and what the total cost would be, the legal documents and licenses you need to get, insurance, and other necessary permits. We’re talking about a huge amount of money that you should spend carefully and wisely.

  1. Prepare your budget.

After jotting down the total cost and other possible expenses, the next thing to do is prepare the budget. You may get this from your savings, but a business loan would also be applicable if you don’t have much money to start off a business. As much as possible, do not spend your money on unnecessary equipment or items. If you go beyond your budget, that will cause financial issues in the long run.

  1. Purchase the right massage equipment.

One of the major factors you shouldn’t miss is choosing the right massage equipment. Whatever equipment you will purchase can provide either a positive or negative effect on your clients. Hence, it is important to choose high-quality and sturdy massage equipment.

If you are planning to purchase massage chairs, examine their features and benefits. You can opt for the massage chair when you consider what your clients need and the health benefits they want to get. If you notice that most of your clients have issues with a particular part of their body, you can consider getting a neck massager, foot massager, and other massagers that will comply with their needs.

High-quality massage tables and chairs are also a must if you’re offering massages that involve full body massage therapy sessions.

  1. Set up a relaxing space for the massage sessions.

If you’re going to set up a home-based massage therapy business, make sure to provide a private and professional space or room for the massage sessions. It becomes more pampering when the ambiance gives off a relaxing mood. You can put up some aromatic candles and decorative linens with gentle colors. A little bit of relaxing music will do to make every massage session enjoyable and comfortable.

  1. Get a business license and liability insurance.

Getting a business license is a prerequisite before you establish your home-based massage therapy business. You can inquire in your city hall, the local or state government regarding the procedures for the business permit. The terms depend on the city or province you are located. Fees may apply so you should add this to your expenses.

When running a business, you may expect some issues to arise. There might be complaints from the clients, equipment issues, and other damages that you may encounter in the long run, especially when the clients are involved. A liability insurance is a great fallback that will help you cover whatever damages may occur without compromising your savings and earnings.

  1. Don’t forget to advertise your business!

Let everyone in your neighborhood what offers and services your business has. You can also distribute handouts about your business and special offers. And if you wish to capture more clients rather than those in your neighborhood, you can also advertise your business through classified ads, tarpaulins, or posts and pages through social media outlets.

Image Credit: loganban / 123RF Stock Photo