
He Might Be Blind and Deaf, But This Man Has Traveled Solo to 125 Countries and 7 Continents

By Amanda Froelich

May 14, 2018

by Amanda Froelich Truth Theory

Life isn’t fair. This is a truth we all know — some, better than others. However, from every seemingly “bad” situation, there are always “good” outcomes that may result. All that is required is some belief and hard work.

A man who knows this well is Tony Giles. Despite being blind and severely death from a young age, he hasn’t stopped doing what he loves to do: travel. Over the course of 17 years, the Englishman has visited 125 countries and all 7 continents.

During an interview with Great Big Story, Giles was asked why he goes to places if he can’t see the sights. To this, Giles simply responded that he likes the excitement of traveling. One may point out that this is an astonishing revelation, for most people travel to locations, snap a few pictures, and leave without actually experiencing what it’s like to be in that space — if only for a brief moment in time.

GoodNewsNetwork reports that Giles was born with a rare condition that allows him to see vague shapes and shadows. But by the age of 9, he went totally blind. He’s also lost about 80 percent of his hearing in both ears.

When Giles was 16-years-old, he was invited to travel from his home in Teignmouth, England, to the United States. The adventure blew him away, and affirmed his dream to become a world traveler. He has been wandering the world solo every since.

Watch the fascinating interview below: []

Giles’ story reminds us to never give up on our dreams. If you feel inspired by it, please share it with others and comment your thoughts below.

Source: GoodNewsNetwork

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