
Good Samaritans Give Away 1,500 Trees, Set Up Dozens for the Homeless

By Amanda Froelich

December 28, 2017

By  Amanda Froelich Truth Theory

After Hurricane Harvey devastated the city of Houston, Texas, many families and individuals found themselves unable to recover. As a result, they are either living in extreme poverty or are homeless this Christmas season. While the situation for many is tragic, they are not without hope. And, thanks to a group of friends, those who have fallen on hard times have at least one gift to be grateful for this year.

This past week, PJ Simiens and his friends decided to be “Santa’s little helpers” and began passing out over 1,000 artificial Christmas trees to families in Houston. As GoodNewsNetwork reports, the trees were donated by the King of Christmas retail company, which wanted to help out families in the local area.

Residents weren’t the only folks ones, either. After Simiens and his buddies passed out hundreds of fake Christmas trees, they decided to do something special with the few remaining ones. The volunteers transported the trees down to the Boys and Girls Club, Big Brothers Big Sister, and Habitat for Humanity. They also took a couple of trees down to the small community of homeless individuals living in tents by Minute Maid Park.

The sight is a stunning one. It prompted resident Dustin Jones to comment: “They can look around and have a smile for Christmas. After the mess that Harvey left when we came back, all the mildew and stuff – now to look around and see all these Christmas trees near the tents – it’s a beautiful thing.”

Watch the heartwarming video below:

With political tensions escalating and the economy in a rocky place, many families are struggling to get by this winter. Keep this fact in your thoughts this holiday season as you celebrate life, good food, and opportunities with those you hold dear. Someday, there will be enough for everyone.

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