
Give Your Life A Voice Of Reason With These 15 Morgan Freeman Quotes

By Mayukh Saha

October 26, 2019

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

Morgan Freeman – the Academy-award winning actor has conquered the hearts of the young and the old. With movies like Seven, Shawshank Redemption and Million Dollar Baby under his belt, this brooding gentleman is clearly ruling Hollywood. Plus, you can often hear his soothing, thought-provoking voice-overs in famous documentaries. Morgan Freeman is not an actor – he is a memory creator. His screen presence is outstanding and whenever he comes on it, he leaves a mark. 

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However, Morgan Freeman did not have this wonderful phase all his life. Born in the Jim Crow era South, Morgan Freeman has one thing that will keep him as a minority – his Black skin. Being Black in America in that era where racism was rampant was a curse. Morgan Freeman probably never dreamed of making it big. Born to poor parents, he was destined to a life of misery.

But he took Fate by its collar and turned it around. He was going to be an actor and he did become so. In 2016, he was recognized as an integral part of the American culture – an American icon and was bestowed the National Medal of Arts by President Barack Obama.

From a life of struggles to a life of glory, Morgan Freeman has seen it all. And some of his sayings showcase it. Here are 15 powerful quotes by Morgan Freeman that can stir you from the inside:



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Let the wise man’s sayings enrich your life. It will help you find the right path.