
Female Mechanic Smashes Stereotypes By Fixing Vehicles In The Middle East

By Amanda Froelich

January 24, 2018

By  Amanda Froelich Truth Theory

Balqees Bani Hani never wanted to challenge the status quo. She just wanted to fix cars — specifically, for women who feel intimidated by the all-male craftsman zones in Jordan. By opening her own garage, however, she has done just that. And this had made activists love her all the more.

The Jordan Times reports that since her childhood, Hani was fascinated with vehicles. As she studied their ins-and-outs, she began to dream of one day opening the first female-run garage in Jordan. Inspiration came not only from her desire to own a business, but to support female drivers in the region.

In November of 2017, Balqees’s dream finally came true. Near Irbid’s industrial area, she opened her garage. The female mechanic stresses that she “did not aim to challenge society or the local community.”

“Many people told me that I challenged society. I do not feel like I did so because society was not opposed to my idea. My parents were my first supporters and my father praised my decision as well,” she told The Jordan Times.

Balqees only serves women drivers. She explained, “Many women avoid buying old cars because they fear that it will need a lot of care and they will be forced to visit the craftsman zones frequently. But, at the same time, they cannot afford to buy modern cars. Now that this garage is open, they should not be worried about the type of car they purchase.”

The 34-year-old studied banking and finance at a university, but did not want to be limited to one field.  “I attended a six-month car mechanic course. I know that it is not enough but I believe that I will keep learning and gain new experience,” she said.

She attained her dreams, even while raising two children. Incredibly, men working in the same field have applauded her idea and dedication to serving female drivers.

“Any woman who wants to initiate a new idea should not feel concerned about the perceptions of society. On the contrary, our local community is open to new ideas compared to the past,” said Balqees.

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Image Credit1: Copyright: 06photo / 123RF Stock Photo

Image Credit2: courtesy of Balqees Bani Hani