
These Edible Water Pods Could Help Reduce Plastic Bottle Waste

By Fattima Mahdi

August 29, 2018

By Fattima Mahdi

There are around 50 billion plastic water bottles used every year, and approximately one billion of those plastic bottles pollute the oceans. These edible water pods could very well be the next-generation water bottle designed to alleviate the problem.

Skipping Rocks Lab is an innovative start-up based in London, as stated on their website they are currently “pioneering the use of natural materials extracted from plants and seaweed, to create packaging with low environmental impact. Their tagline is “we make packaging disappear,” and they mean it. The company have created an ingenious solution to the world’s plastic waste problem – edible water pods that are called “Ooho!” The water blobs look like squishy see-through membranes, they can encapsulate water or any other liquid for that matter and are made using seaweed extract. The pods can also be made in any colour or flavour and They are completely edible, fully biodegradable, and decompose within 4-6 weeks if left unused. Producing one pod creates five times less carbon dioxide than producing a plastic bottle and requires nine times less energy. In addition, with their industrial partners, Skipping Rocks Lab have been able to “develop an innovating manufacturing process” that makes the pods quite cheap to produce. It costs just two cents to make the little water bubbles. It’s a win win!

Skipping Rocks Lab developed and introduced the water pod concept back in 2013, after a group of college students from Royal College Art and the Imperial College of London birthed the idea. Since then, the company have been “developing the technology and improving the properties of the material.” They have also been heavily crowdsourcing funds to finance the project and take the initial idea from concept to the production phase.

Though it may be a while before water pods replace plastic water bottles entirely, Skipping Rocks Lab have already trialled their innovative solution at pop-ups in London and want to make their pods available at the London Marathon. This company is certainly serious about saving our planet.

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Image credit: Skippingrockslab