
Disturbing Images Reveal How Plastic Pollution Affects Turtles

By TruthSeeker

November 11, 2018

by Caroline Power,

Almost one year to the day that my “Sea of Plastic” post went viral, I was called to assist a rescue of baby sea turtles washing ashore in a mat of Sargassum seaweed. Sargassum is a pelagic seaweed that drifts on ocean currents in tropical and temperate seas. It is a crucial habitat that provides food and shelter to more than 240 species of fish, crustaceans, sea birds, commercially important species such as tuna, and even sea turtles. In the open ocean, sargassum is an oasis. When it washes ashore, it can trap the animals that call it home, burying them alive. When I arrived, I was horrified. The seaweed was filled with plastic, much of it from Guatemala and Honduras. It was easy to identify the well known products used in this region. Coke bottles, Pepsi labels, single use sachets of shampoo, Clorox bottles, Aguazul water bags, crocs children’s toy, and so many plastic bags. Bags of every shape and color; not shopping bags but ones used for packaging consumer goods.

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