
Brother Of George Floyd Calls For An End To Violent Protest

By Anthony McLennan

June 02, 2020

By Anthony McLennan / Truth Theory

Terrence Floyd, younger brother of the man murdered by a Minneapolis policeman, George Floyd, has called for an end to violent protests.

Floyd, 46, was suffocated to death on May 25 after a police officer cut his air supply for over eight minutes by forcing his knee into his throat.

WATCH: Full speech by George Floyd's brother, Terrence Floyd, at site of George Floyd's death.

— NBC News (@NBCNews) June 1, 2020

Following a week of protests – both peaceful and violent; some of which turned into looting and riots – across the United States and across the world, George’s younger brother, Terrence, visited the spot where his sibling had so cruelly been killed.

Addressing gatherers on a megaphone, Terrence began his speech with a rallying cry for peace and justice.

Visibly upset, Terrence at times needed the assistance of two men to keep himself steady on his feet, as he stood among the flowers and ribbons which had been placed at the spot where George had died.

He called upon protesters to try and keep their emotions in check, believing that violence would be counterproductive to seeking justice for his brother.

“I know you all upset, but I doubt you’re not as upset as I am,” Terrence Floyd said.

“If I’m not over here wilin’ out, if I’m not over here blowing up stuff, if I’m not over here messing up my community — then what are y’all doing?

“Nothing, because that’s not going to bring my brother back at all. It may feel good for moment, just like when you drink…but when you come down, you’re going to wonder what you did,” he continued.

‘Educate yourself and vote’

“My family is a peaceful family, my family is god fearing. Yeah we upset, but we are not going to be repetitious. In every case of police brutality, the same thing happens….So let’s do this another way…Let’s stop thinking that our voice don’t matter and vote.

“Not just for the president, but for preliminaries, for everybody. Educate yourself, don’t wait for somebody else to tell you who’s who.”

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Image Credit: NBC News Screenshot