
Baby Cow Raised By Deer Family In Snowy Forest After It Escaped Slaughterhouse

By Mayukh Saha

January 05, 2020

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

Bonnie, an escaped baby cow was in a slaughterhouse from which she made an escape. Her original home was in Holland, New York, on a farm that was raising cattle for slaughter. Of course, Bonnie did not know her fate until she heard the agonizing cries of help from her bovine family as they were being queued up for slaughter. It was clear that something was wrong. As the owners loaded up the trailer, in spite of the cries, Bonnie needed to find an escape. She took the opportunity of the confusion and scurried into the woods.

The escape of the baby cow from the farm was not unnoticed. People found out soon and though the baby cow was often seen scurrying across the forests, she did not come close to anyone’s hands. Bonnie remained in the forest. It was difficult to understand how she could be surviving the woods for nearly 8 months. But then, something showed up in the cameras.

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It turned out that Bonnie was actually being supported by a herd of deer. The escaped baby cow was accepted by the deer herd and she was resting and eating with them. She had found another family in a different species after losing out on her own bovine family.

However, Becky Bartels, an animal lover, knew that the escaped baby cow may not survive in the wild. Bonnie was domesticated and the harsh conditions of the wild would soon kill her. When she spotted Bonnie on her camera, lurking in the area which was owned by Becky, she decided to take the escaped baby cow home. She started using a sled to carry food and also bedding materials for Bonnie. At first, Bonnie was wary of humans and did not want any dealing with them. But after a protracted effort of feeding and patting, the escaped baby cow accepted the human being. 

However, Becky was not confident enough to bring Bonnie to her home. Her neighbors had threatened her stating that they would murder the cow if she came into their farm. So Bartels decided to call a non-profit for help. This non-profit organization- Farm Sanctuary- tries to help abandoned and abused farm animals. Farm Sanctuary had a worker come in and try to persuade the escaped baby cow to come to them. After the required sedation, the escaped baby cow was moved to the sanctuary in a truck.

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After spending 8 months in the wild, Bonnie is adjusting to her new home very well. She has even made some friends! You can help Bonnie and other animals at the Farm Sanctuary here.


Images: Farm Sanctuary