
A Serbian Prodigy Moves The World With His Drawings And They Are Incredible

By Mayukh Saha

March 12, 2019

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

Talent is ingrained within all of us. Of course, hard work pays, but some people are naturally talented. Dušan Krtolica from Serbia is such a child prodigy. He started drawing when he was just two. It was in his blood.

Children look at the world in a different way with their fertile imagination. For Krtolica, nature was an inspiration. He was fascinated by animals and nature as a whole. So, he started putting them on paper.

When he was just 4 years, his parents saw his talent and enrolled him in an art school.

At the age of 8, his wonderful artwork was being showcased in school and gathering a whole lot of attention.

When he was just 9, he drew a magnificent flock of different birds which could amaze any ornithologist.

At 10, he had turned to human beings. His drawing of a knight and the surrounding people is so realistic.

If inspiration clicks, he can draw anything. Here’s another animal that he drew when he was 12, fresh from his imagination.

He has even drawn a picture with multiple subjects but the best part is, however close they might be, the subjects don’t crowd on each other. You can specially notice it in his piece called, ‘The Labors of Hercules’ drawn when he was just 13.

At the age of 13, Krtolica also got one of his big breaks. He wrote an encyclopedia and drew for it as well. It is about the prehistoric world and though it is originally published in Serbian, English translations are coming out too. He has been featured in several TV shows too and has also been in six solo exhibitions. He has many customers and the best part is, he and his customers become friend easily too.