
Father Is Reunited With His Son Who Has Down Syndrome

By Mayukh Saha

September 22, 2018

By Mayukh Saha

Fathers are the first superheroes children learn to worship. Their idea of authority and men who have it together, so to speak, comes from their fathers. As a result, with dysfunctional families, it is difficult for the children to maintain these notions, because their parental figures are not worth looking up to.

But hey, there are people who make the entire dad-kind to lift its head up with pride. Such is Malcolm Cobrink. In a world that does not understand debilitating genetic disorders and ridicules patients who suffer from them, Malcolm has taken care of and loved his son Matt, who was born with down syndrome, for 53 years now.

First of all, let’s have a brief introduction to Down’s syndrome. Also called trisomy 21, it is an autosomal genetic disorder caused by the presence of a third copy of the 21st chromosome of the human body.

This causes growth delays, characteristic physical features and the mental abilities of an 8-9 year old, in patients. IQs do not exceed 50 or 55.

Ever since the concept of pregnancy screenings has come into vogue, people often choose to terminate the pregnancy if the foetus is seen to have Down syndrome. It is done considering the health issues and even economic issues involved in raising a child with such a debilitating disease.

Many like Malcolm however choose to have the children and love them like no other. It must be noted here that children with Down require constant care and affection, and special care is needed for educating them and treating their symptoms.

Most end up dying young for various reasons.

But, when it comes to Malcolm and Matt that is not the case. Matt has, unlike most other children with Down, reached the ripe age of 53.

The reunion is one from fairy tales. The father and son met at the airport and Matt is seen running towards his father who stood by the escalator. It was so touching that Matt’s sister, who was prepared for something like this, filmed it.

It has since been doing the rounds of the internet. Clearly overwhelmed with emotion, Matt is seen kissing his father and again and again, as if he survived hell and got back.

In a way, it is just like that; separation from a father this loving, for seven long day must surely have been hell for him.

We salute the bond they share.

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