
70 Volunteer To Fix Homeless Veteran’s Home So He Has Someplace Warm To Sleep

By Amanda Froelich

April 29, 2018

By Amanda Froelich Truth Theory

Michael Malone isn’t your average US citizen. Between the years of 1976 and 1980, he served in the Air Force. And between the years of 1981 and 1996, he made his family proud by serving in the Air Reserves. Recently, however, his structured life can tumbling down. This is because his mother and daughter both died within a short time of each other.

Though Malone was bequeathed his childhood home following his mother’s passing, he couldn’t afford to finance the extensive repairs. As a result, he ended up on the streets, homeless. Fortunately for him, 70 volunteers with Team Depot and HFAV showed up to remodel the house for him. Now, he has a warm, secure place to sleep at night.

Said Matt Rice, store manager for the Castleton Home Depot: “What he’s been through, he’s had some challenges. We are helping him get back and are getting this house in shape where he can move back in and get going again.”

According to Fox News, Malone is looking forward to a “fresh start” in the remodeled abode. “I’m excited for a new leaf in life, a new fresh start,” said Malone. “I’m touched by the generosity of people.”

Volunteers renovated the bathrooms, installed new floors, and painted the interior of the house. After viewing the drastic changes, Malone commented: “I’m kind of overwhelmed. I’m happy, I’m sad in a sense that my mother won’t be here to experience this- this was her home.”  

He added that he feels blessed and is grateful for the support from the community. “This just blows me away that there are people that are really truly that kind,” said Malone.. ”It absolutely restores my view of humanity.”

Not everything that happens in life is “good.” But, positive things can result from tragedy. Remember this the next time life throws you a few curveballs. There are good, kind-hearted people willing to assist others as they muddle through tragedy. If you can’t find one, be one.

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Images Credit: Home Depot Foundation

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