While there are numerous benefits to buying goods, such as music CDs, clothing and hardwood furniture, from consignment shops, certain second-hand items should be avoided at all costs.


7 Everyday Objects You Should NEVER Buy Used

By Amanda Froelich

August 10, 2017

By Amanda Froelich Truth Theory

While there are numerous benefits to buying goods, such as music CDs, clothing and hardwood furniture, from consignment shops, certain second-hand items should be avoided at all costs. This is because in many instances, items such as baby cribs, cosmetics and mattresses, pose risks to one’s health and the well-being of their family.

By all means, invest in used goods whenever possible. Doing so benefits the environment and reduces unnecessary waste. However, always consider investing in new versions of the following 7 objects:

1) Baby Cribs

Though baby cribs are expensive, it’s an intelligent idea to buy a new version when expecting a child. This is because nearly 10 million baby cribs were recalled during 2007 to 2011 in the United States due to improved safety regulations. As a result of stricter testing, the sale of potentially fatal drop-side cribs was prohibited. If you must buy a used crib, check this website to make sure the model hasn’t been recalled.

2) Mattresses, box springs & upholstered furniture

Investing in new bed furniture can dent one’s budget, which is why many people choose to buy second-hand. However, there is a high potential one may also be purchasing critters, such as dust mites and bed bugs, when sourcing used furniture from consignment stores.

Pet dander embedded in upholstery, which may result in allergies, and the thousands required for a house extermination cost substantially more than just investing in new household furniture. If it’s not in your budget to purchase new, make sure you inspect the furniture carefully, clean it well, and re-upholster it completely as a precaution.

3) Cosmetics

This might seem like a no-brainer, but some second-hand shops still sell used cosmetics. This is incredibly unhealthy, as using other people’s’ makeup is an easy way to pick up oral herpes (cold sores) and conjunctivitis (pink eye). Plus, most conventional makeup is full of chemicals which irritate the skin and may very well be expired.

For health purposes and peace of mind, it is best to purchase new, organic and heavy metal-free makeup. You can even make your own scrubs, sunscreen and body butter with ingredients commonly found in one’s kitchen.

4) Car Seats

Similar to baby cribs, car seats are a necessity — an expensive one. While it may benefit one’s wallet to purchase used, doing so is unwise. This is because safety regulations periodically change, meaning one may unintentionally endanger their child. There is also a possibility of purchasing a car seat which was damaged during a prior accident. This, in turn, would weaken its integrity and make it less secure in future accidents. In many cases, previous damage is invisible.

If a car seat is something you really cannot purchase new, ensure that you have the original manufacturer’s installation instructions to install it in the car properly. Also, be sure it has not been part of a recall.

5) Helmets

A helmet is a helmet, right? Simply speaking, yes. However, it is possible a helmet saved someone else’s noggin in the past and sustained structural damage. As a result, it really isn’t as “safe” as one might think. Just to be safe, it is best to invest in a new helmet.

6) Swimwear & Underwear

Though one can find a bounty of second-hand clothes that are both stylish and comfortable, it’s best to skip used swimwear and underwear. This is because you never know whose body fluids and god-knows-what-else seeped into the garments you bought used.

7) Tires

Did you know? Around 30 million used tires are sold every year in the United States. That’s a lot! While buying used tires definitely saves money, consumers take a big risk by doing so. This is because tires may easily have poor traction due to insufficient tread depth or may be cracked due to dry rot. There is also a potential that the tires sustained invisible, internal damage from a previous accident.

In this case, it’s always better to buy new tires. There are better ways to recycle old treads, including using them to build Earthships or even create art.

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I am Luke Miller, content manager at Truth Theory and creator of Potential For Change. I like to blend psychology and spirituality to help you create more happiness in your life.Grab a copy of my free 33 Page Illustrated eBook- Psychology Meets Spirituality- Secrets To A Supercharged Life You Control Here