3,000 Jews And Muslims Unite And Agree To Learn A Song Together

Singing Women Youtube

By  Amanda Froelich Truth Theory

World peace — will it ever be possible? This is a question many of us have asked ourselves — and for good reason. Every time you turn on the news, it seems, there is more gore, war, and hostility being reported on.

Fortunately, this world is full of good people who are willing to work together for the common good. If mainstream media just reported on these happenings, then the planet we inhabit would be a very different place.

Recently, the organization Kooluluam was inspired to bring people of all races, religions, and demographics together. 3,000 Muslims and Jews (none who had previously met) were asked to come together and learn the song “One Day” by Matisyahu.

Unbelievably, they had just one hour to learn the song and harmonize in three different languages. It was a difficult task, but they succeeded! The resulting concert, which was made possibly by Beit HaGefen, the Haifa Municipality, and the Port of Haifa, is a heartwarming display of unity and beauty.

Watch the video below:

The world we live in is not what it seems. Only a handful of people have true power, and they are abusing their leverage by waging wars and manipulating the masses to think that humans are far worse than they are.

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Source: GoodNewsNetwork

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