
11-Year-Old Iranian Girl Scores 162 In Mensa IQ Test Beating Einstein And Hawking

By Mayukh Saha

June 04, 2019

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory Aylesbury High School student Tara Sharifi broke through the MENSA test with a mind-blowing score. The test has certain benchmarks – 140 being that of a ‘Genius’. She took it in Oxford and shocked everybody there. In fact, her score was 162- 2 points above that of Albert Einstein, considered as the father of modern physics.

IFP News reported and the event talked about how the test required participants to answer a series of questions within a given period of time and was focused on understanding the words given to the student.

Sharifi is naturally shocked that she scored so high on a genius test. The score also makes her eligible to move into the MENSA society, also called the High IQ Society.

The girl further speaks about how the choice was made by both her and her parents, and how exciting it would be to meet all the other people of the same strata. She also told a couple of her friends, who were naturally very impressed.

Tara’s father Hossein shares the surprise. He is proud but shocked at the knowledge that his daughter, Tara, is special. He mentions how she would answer the mathematics questions before the other contestants of TV shows did. He was aware that she was smart, but not to this extent.

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Tara wants to pursue something in mathematics. Let’s hope we get a new Einstein out of her. As a society, we should give her all the required knowledge sources to encourage her further.

Image credit: 123RF