
The 10 Most Important Lessons Most People Take A Lifetime To Learn

By Amanda Froelich

September 11, 2017

By Amanda Froelich Truth Theory

Life is hard enough without making it more challenging. Yet, this is what most people do simply because they haven’t learned — or accepted — some universal truths.

Don’t let years pass you by as you struggle to develop into a better person. Implement the following advice and witness how opportunities unfold as you begin to attract positive people and improved situations.

From showing more gratitude to yourself and others to realizing the damage that results from procrastination, following are 10 important life lessons most take decades to learn.

1) Care less about pleasing others, care more about pleasing yourself

Life is too short to waste your time trying to please others. At the end of the day, all you truly have is yourself. Remember this, and you will waste substantially less time seeking happiness outside of yourself through people and situations.

If you can, spend more time in solitude and contemplation, do more activities that please and inspire you, and surround yourself with like-minded friends and family members who love you for who you are.

2) Adopt an attitude of gratitude

It’s all about the gratitude. Realizing how blessed you really are can inspire a smile on days you might otherwise feel down. When you focus on what’s going right, as well, you attract more of that. Want a good life? Focus on all you’re grateful for.

3) Actions always speak louder than words

We live in a world where few truly mean what they say anymore. Yet, the old adage “a man/woman is his/her word” remains true.

To create lasting, trust-filled relationships, follow through with what you say. And if you don’t like something or don’t really want to attend an event, speak up! Honor yourself by speaking your truth and honor others by following through with your word.

4) Work hard — but not too hard

Life is all about balance. You can eat healthy 80 percent of the time and indulge 20 percent. Similarly, you can work hard and pursue your passion(s) but it’s important to take time off for rest and relaxation, as well.

When your life is nearly over, you will want to look back at all the experiences you had, the memories you made and the people who you loved (and loved you back).

The takeaway? Work hard — but not too hard.

5) Be easier on yourself

We’re all human, striving for perfection in an imperfect world. The greatest lie any of us tells ourselves is that it is possible to be flawless. Take my word — it’s not.

Rather than beat yourself up and struggle with mental disorders for years, take ten minutes every day to remind yourself that you are only human. As a result, you are nearly guaranteed to mess up —but there is beauty in that!

Only when something is broken can something new and beautiful blossom forth. It creates room for change, and that is what this entire universe is about.

6) Acknowledge failures as lessons

Try, fail. Try, fail. Try, fail. Try, succeed. There is no formula for succeeding, other than putting in the work. But if you try enough and learn from your mistakes, positive results are inevitable.

The reason this truth takes so long for most people to learn is that few are committed enough to their projects, lovers or their dreams to see them to fruition. Don’t give up — you’re nearly there.

7) Say goodbye to excuses and live with no regrets

A less-popular truth many have yet to learn is that there are no “right” or “wrong” decision in life. Every choice has an effect — or many, and each plays a role in the larger journey.

If you spend your life trying to make the “right” choice or play it safe, you will ultimately live a boring existence with neurotic mental chatter. Stop trying to please others (remember #1) and just go for that exciting dream you’ve been fantasizing about!

Don’t make it to your deathbed and wish that you had the courage earlier on to pursue your dream. And, if you already have regrets, know that it is never too late to achieve your goals.

8) Set aside more time for family

At the end of the day, the people in your life — usually your family and close friends (who are like family) — are what matter most. They fill your memories, they make trips and adventures exciting, and they are the people you will ultimately want to be around after you have made your fortune, faced incredible challenges, and finally allow yourself to enjoy comforts in life.

Make more time for your family now, and you will not regret broken relationships or absences later on.

9) Do more good

It’s easy to complain and moan that the world is a horrible place with few good people. If this is your attitude, what exactly are you doing to change it?

Another lesser-known truth is that there are, in fact, many positive, driven people willing to make a beneficial difference on this planet. Sometimes, they need a reminder that others are willing to put in the same effort too, however.

If you are here on this Earth, you DO have a purpose. Don’t spend your life working a mundane 9-5 job, never expanding your own skillset or refusing to give back to the collective. Dedicate your free time to a cause that injects good into the world, and go to bed — and live your life — knowing you took action to positively change one other person’s life, or even the world.

10) Overcome procrastination — it will enslave you

Without a doubt, it is easier to waste time than work hard. But what exactly will that get you? At some point, you need to give yourself a “wake up” call and decide to take action to propel forward movement.

Once you get the ball rolling, momentum will build and you’ll begin to derive excitement from the project. As that feat is accomplished, you might find yourself inspired to pursue more. All that is required is that you actually start.

Don’t let procrastination be the “ball and chain” around your ankle. Write your own destiny, secure your own future. And most importantly, live your life without any regrets so when you’re on your deathbed, you feel satisfied with all you’ve done.

Watch the video below to learn more:

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